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Types of Surgeries

Mini Gastric Bypass


The Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) combines gastric reduction and intestinal malabsorption to achieve weight loss. The procedure involves creating a small gastric pouch near the esophageal sphincter. The first part of the intestine is attached to the newly formed gastric pouch about two meters down the intestine.

The MGB is a new type of gastric bypass that is still under investigation in North America after gaining significant popularity in Europe and Asia. The main difference between the GB and the MGB is that there is only one anastomose connection between the stomach and the intestine instead of two. This leads to less operative time and anesthesia. Because of the fewer divisions in the intestines, the MGB results in a lower risk of bowel obstruction. The MGB results in similar weight loss and reversion of metabolic diseases as the GB.

Candidate characteristics

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Good weight loss
  • Effective procedure in remission of type-II Diabetes
  • Less operative time and anesthesia


  • Dumping syndrome (sweating, dizziness)
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Possible bowel obstructions
  • Lifelong need for vitamins and minerals
  • Increased rate of bile reflux


Risks of Surgery

  • Bowel obstruction, 2-4% in collective series
  • Leakage, <1% in collective series
  • Bleeding, <1% in collective series
  • Need for conversion to a Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, 5-10% of cases

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