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Bariatric Surgery Is a Life-Saver for Obese Patients with Diabetes

You will know you’re suffering from obesity if your body mass index (BMI) is significantly higher than what’s considered healthy for your height. Obesity is typically defined as having a body mass index of 35; this means that you’re carrying 100 lbs. too much of body fat. Obesity is complex, as it has many causes and numerous possible consequences.

Consequences of Obesity

Did you know that calorie intake and outtake differ from person to person? Genetic makeup plays a part in how you live, and it’s a deciding factor of how your body functions. Additionally, habits picked up from family members and friends contribute to how you look at food and live on a daily basis. So, add whatever your unique genetic makeup is to an unhealthy lifestyle, and you will get a recipe for disaster, i.e., obesity.

It’s hard to forget about the cosmetic implications of obesity in our society, what with the heightened awareness of body image thanks to magazines, television, and social media. It easily allows us to forget about other medical ramifications that are much more problematic and more important to consider.

Some of these ramifications include a heightened risk of:

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol

  • Heart disease, diabetes

  • Arthritis

  • Cancer

  • Stroke

Some mental health effects are also associated with obesity, such as anxiety, stress, and depression.

Can Bariatric Surgery Help?

The Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute’s senior investigator, Dr. David Arteburn, has been studying obesity. He notes that lifestyle changes may not be adequate for lowering the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and more for people who suffer from both severe obesity and diabetes. This means that even if someone recognizes their risk for developing medical issues and takes steps to mitigate it, they won’t be successful.

All of this can leave someone wondering if there are any effective obesity solutions. Indeed, finding one can be life-saving. A lot of these medical conditions can result in death, especially when left untreated.

Luckily, the Institute’s new study is offering hope for those dealing with both diabetes and obesity. It shows that people with type 2 diabetes and severe obesity are significantly less likely to suffer from a heart attack and stroke after receiving bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery is a form of weight-loss surgery.

The highlights of the study are as follows:

  • The likelihood of these patients suffering from stroke or heart attack after receiving bariatric surgery within five years dropped by 40%.

  • Mortality rates lowered by two-thirds in bariatric patients.

  • The patients were also one-third less likely to develop heart disease.

Gastric bypasses have also been shown to improve mental health problems for those struggling with obesity.

How Does Bariatric Surgery Work?

Bariatric surgery is an umbrella term referring to a number of surgeries that promote weight loss by limiting your caloric intake.

They do this in different ways. They will likely involve making changes to your intestines and stomach, such as inserting a gastric balloon or creating a gastric pouch and re-routing the intestine to it. These types of procedures necessarily limit the amount of food someone can feasibly consume. Gastric bypass is probably the most well-known of these surgeries.

You are in good hands when you come to our clinic. Dr. Gagner invented the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, which poses fewer risks than other weight-loss surgeries. It’s designed as a first-step treatment.

There are generally other factors to consider if you’re thinking about having weight-loss surgery. Before and after bariatric surgery, you will have to significantly alter your lifestyle in terms of diet, physical activity, and more.

While bariatric surgery is usually performed on patients with a BMI of 35, those with a BMI of 30 with other weight-related health issues will be allowed to have weight-loss surgery. Type 2 diabetes is the kind of medical issue that would qualify.

Are you interested in pursuing weight-loss surgery? Contact Clinique Michael Gagner today!