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Dr. Gagner’s Recent Interview with Bariatric News About LSG

Bariatric News recently interviewed Dr. Michel Gagner who will be participating in two bariatric surgery events this summer to discuss the current status of the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG): The 6th Annual International Consensus on Sleeve Gastrectomy and the GORE Sleeve Symposium. Dr. Michel Gagner is the preeminent surgeon of gastric sleeve surgery, which has become an increasingly popular procedure for weight-loss.

A Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure

In an LSG, 60% to 85% of the stomach pouch is removed through a series of small incisions, and the remaining stomach pouch is left in a sleeve shape. In this bariatric procedure, the patient’s appetite and hunger-related hormone production are reduced, thus improving the patient’s chances of long-term weight management.

6th Annual International Consensus on Sleeve Gastrectomy

Day One: On the first day of the Consensus, approximately 20 live LSGs, revisions, conversions, and single anastomosis duodeno–ileal bypasses will be performed by surgeons from all over the globe.

Day Two: The second day will involve discussions on the mitigation and prevention of LSG complications involving weight regain, revisions, and leak management. The Consensus will end with a questionnaire whose results will appear in a peer-reviewed journal.

GORE Sleeve Symposium

Unlike the Consensus, the Symposium will be hosting an Expert Panel Discussion in which experts give a speech and answer questions from the audience. The panel will discuss various ways to avoid surgical complications from LSGs. During the Symposium, Dr. Michel Gagner will demonstrate how to avoid preventable mistakes, such as:

  • Staple Line Reinforcement, which shows strong evidence of eliminating leakage and bleeding.

  • Dr. Gagner also questions recent study findings published by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP), which stated that Staple Line Reinforcement was more commonly associated with increased leakage. Based on the paper’s inability to properly support their claims, Dr. Michel Gagner is unwilling to accept the paper’s findings.

Clinique Michel Gagner performs various bariatric surgeries. If you’re wondering if a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the right weight loss procedure for you, please fill out this patient questionnaire.