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Ifso Global Registry Final.

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IFSO Endorses a Global Registry Pilot Project

Ifso Global Registry Final.

With the end of the IFSO 2014 Congress in Montreal, Dr. Gagner has been hard at work helping to realize a new registry that would aggregate bariatric surgery data from all around the world to form a single global registry. “This pilot project is the first step for IFSO in establishing a scientific foundation for our members and demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of bariatric and metabolic surgery on a global scale,” said Professor Michel Gagner, IFSO Council Member and IFSO 2014 Congress President. “This project is extremely exciting because it will allow us to see the mechanics of what is happening within bariatric and metabolic surgery on a global scale.”

It will be exciting to see what kinds of future trends this registry will reveal. Stay tuned for more updates!

Read more about it here