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New Research Paper Published in Nature (Nature Reviews Endocrinology)

Dr. Gagner has just published a major article in one the Nature journals, Nature Reviews Endocrinology. The article is titled "Obesity: Sleeve gastrectomy - the ideal choise for weight-loss surgery." Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2013 May 21;9(7):382-4. doi: 10.1038/nrendo.2013.100. Epub 2013 May 21.

The article discusses how the use of Sleeve Gastrectomy has increased steadily over the past decade, while the use of other procedures like Roux-en-Y and Gastric Bypass has decreased. Sleeve Gastrectomy is the second most popular procedure standing at 28% of worldwide bariatric procedures in 2011, behind Roux en Y at 47% and ahead of Gastric Banding at 18%. Dr. Gagner suggests that the reasons behind the sleeve gastrectomy's rise in popularity is behind its simplicity and its use as a first-step operation, later revised depending on patient needs.

A very interesting article indeed!