Reasons to Avoid Alcohol

Here are 5 reasons why you should avoid alcohol after your Bariatric Surgery

1. Alcohol Toxicity


2. Alcohol Addiction

Higher risk for cross-addiction. Percentage of patients diagnosed with alcohol use disorder before and after surgery:

Gastrique Before After

3. Weight Regain

Alcohol is high in calories. Study shows that drinking alcohol is linked with an additional 20% weight regain.

300 calories = 2 x 12oz. Beer = 1 cheeseburger = 6 apples

4. Vitamin Deficiency

Alcohol Prevents the body from:

  • Absorbing vitamin B1 (thiamin), B12 (Cobalamin)

  • Utilizing vitamin A, B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Folate)

Untreated vitamin deficiencies will lead to medical complications.

5. Medical Complications

Alcohol may cause:

  1. Low blood sugar: causing loss of neuromuscular control & normal cognitive function

  2. Liver disease: such as fatty liver, scaring & thickening of the liver, death of liver tissue, & liver cancer

  3. Gastric ulcers: which may lead to pain, bleeding, or perforation of (hole at) the anastomosis site


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