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Bariatric Surgeries on the Rise; Sleeve Gastrectomy at Top

According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), bariatric surgeries in the US has risen by 10 percent since last year, with the sleeve gastrectomy continuing to be the main procedure with gastric bypass coming into second. Since 2011, sleeve gastrectomies only represented 17.8 percent of the procedures performed, but that number has been steadily rising over the years and now represents almost 60 percent of the weight loss surgeries performed in the US.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Dr. Michel Gagner perfected the sleeve gastrectomy in 2000 and it has been a popular choice for high-risk bariatric patients and patients with a low BMI ever since. There are many advantages to undergoing the sleeve gastrectomy compared to other procedures, mainly that the surgery preserves gastric emptying and mineral absorption, causes less dumping syndrome and hypoglycemia, and can easily be revised in the case of weight regain. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is generally the first step in weight-loss surgery for many patients, as it is typically less invasive (the laparoscopic camera allows for more precise use of long surgical instruments) than other procedures, and patients can return to work in as little as two weeks.

The laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a procedure wherein 60–85% of the stomach pouch is removed, leaving a sleeve-like shape that is much smaller in volume. Because of the reduced size of the stomach, the patient will feel fuller sooner.

Bariatric Surgeries in the US

There is an estimated 24 million people in the United States who are eligible for bariatric surgery. In 2016, roughly 216,000 surgeries were performed or roughly one percent of the population who are eligible. Are you considering bariatric surgery as the next step in your weight loss journey? Fill out our Patient Questionnaire or contact Clinique Michel Gagner for more information.